English Teacher vacancy at Uva Wellassa University

English Teacher

Uva Wellassa University

Government Sector

Industry : Education

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English Teacher

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Uva Wellassa University

Government Sector

Industry : Education

Vacancy details



Working time

Part time


75,000 - 100,000 LKR


More than 5 years Required


Degree Required


1270 days ago (2021/09/01)

Closing in

1268 days (2021/09/03)

Organization contact details



Administration Unit


Uva Wellassa University, Badulla 90 000 Sri Lanka,
Sri lanka

Job Description

Vacancies for the English Teachers (Temporary Assignment)


Faculty of Applied Sciences, Uva Wellassa University


Vacancies for the English Teachers of the Intensive English Course of ELTA-ELSE Faculty DP AHEAD project are available at the Faculty of Applied Sciences for immediate recruitment on Temporary Basis.




Candidates should be government qualified and experienced English Teachers. A degree in the relevant field is highly preferable.


Key Tasks


•       Preparing course plan according to the given course content

•       Conducting English Language classes for new university entrants

•       Continuous evaluation


Work Description


•       The total teaching rime is 40 hours

•       Each day a 3-hours session should be conducted.


Required Qualification


•       Government qualified English teachers with reaching experiences

•       Bachelor's Degree in English language teaching would be an extra advantage

•       Experience  with similar  teaching environments more preferred

•       Should be able to conduct lectures using Zoom or Ms Team.



Seven (7) positions are available.


Rs. 1500.00 will be be paid per hour.



Mode of Selection


Self-prepared application along with detailed CV giving all relevant detailed copies of documents to prove qualifications shall be emailed to fasahead@uwu.ac.lk on or before August 26, 2021 (email subject as Vacancy for the English Teachers).

Short-listed candidates will be called for the walking-in- Interview through Zoom on September 3, 2021. The University reserve the right to sho1tlist the candidates. Applications, which do not meet the requirements, and applications that reach after the closing date, will be rejected without intimation.


Please contact:

Prof. K. W.S.N. Kuman (Project Coordinator of the ELTA-ELSE Faculty DP) 

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Uva Wellassa University ofS1i Lanka

Email: fasahcad@uwu.ac.lk 

Phone (mobile): 071 1244919