Non of this vacancy at Consumer Affairs Authority

Non of this

Consumer Affairs Authority

Government Sector

Industry : Finance

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Non of this

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Consumer Affairs Authority

Government Sector

Industry : Finance

Vacancy details



Working time

Full time


75,000 - 100,000 LKR


No experiance Required


Degree Required


1094 days ago (2022/02/24)

Closing in

1083 days (2022/03/07)

Organization contact details



Administration Unit


1st & 2nd Floor, C.W.E. Secretariat Building, No: 27, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02.,
Sri lanka

Job Description

Consumer Affairs Authority

Ministry of Co-operative Services,

Marketing Development and Consumer Protection



Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following vacancies in the Consumer Affairs Authority.


Post of LEGAL & ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (Grade II) JM 1-1     

(03  Posts )


Job Description:

Handling of Consumer Complaints, Provide necessary assistance in conducting inquiries in terms of the Provisions of the Act, Drafting of Plaints, Charge Sheets in respect of actions instituted in Courts in terms of the Provisions of the Act, Filling of Court cases and Appearance on behalf of the Authority including the conducting of trials in courts, Liaise with other Regulatory Bodies when required, Handling of Court cases instituted against the Authority and liaising with the officials of the Attorney-General’s Department and other Legal Counsel, any other duties assigned by the Director.



External :

An LL.B degree which is recognized by the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka with Attorney-at-Law. 


Having obtained the qualifications required by the external candidates above.

Salary Scale:

JM 1-1 - 2016: Rs. (42,600 - 10 x 755 - 18 x 1,135 - 70,580)                In terms of DMS Circular No. 02/2016


Should not be less than 22 years and not more than 45 years. The upper age limit will  not apply to the internal candidates.


General Conditions:

Other Allowances:

In addition to the salary, cost of living allowance and any other applicable allowances will also be paid in terms of relevant government circulars.

Nature of Appointment:

Permanent with entitlement to Employees’ Provident Fund and Employees’ Trust Fund and provisions as per relevant government circulars.

Salary at Recruitment:

Persons recruited externally will be placed at the initial step of the salary scale. The salary of persons recruited internally will be determined in terms of the provision in Chapter VII of the Establishment Code. 


An external candidates appointed will be on probation for a period of three years. He/She will be confirmed in the post, if his/her performance and conduct is satisfactory during the period of probation. Candidates selected internally who are already confirmed in a post will be subjected to an acting period of one year.

Recruitment Procedure:

Structured interview conducted by a panel appointed by the appointing Authority.


Marks allocated for the interview as follows:

•     Relevant additional Experience          - 30  Marks

•     Relevant additional qualifications     - 30  Marks

•     Other achievements                             - 15 Marks

•     Performance at the interview             - 25  Marks

                                                                                                              Total                                                              - 100  Marks



  • Should be a citizen of Sri Lanka.
  • Should be ready to serve in any part of the Island.
  • Should be physically and mentally fi t to discharge the duties of the post well. Should be an excellent moral character.

Eligible candidates are invited to submit their applications under registered cover to the address given below on or before 07.03.2022 within 14 days of this advertisement. Copies of the relevant certificates in proof of qualifications should also be attached with the application. Applications from employees in the state sector should be forwarded through their heads of the Institution. Applications which do not conform to the above requirements, incomplete applications and applications sent after the closing date will be rejected. Canvassing will be regarded as a disqualification. The post applied for should be stated on the top left-hand corner of the envelope. 

Please forward your applications to;


Consumer Affairs Authority

2nd Floor, CWE Secretariat Building, No. 27, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02.